Carina is a free online tool from Carewell SEIU 503 that allows care providers to match with Medicaid and Oregon Project Independence (OPI) homecare consumers nearby. Use Carina to find full-time, part-time, and respite care jobs in your area.
Note: currently, the Carina online care matching tool is available in English and Spanish. Carewell SEIU 503 is working with Carina to include other languages.
Select a section to learn more about Carina
How to find a job on Carina
Carina FAQs
How to find a job on Carina
Carina Frequently Asked Questions
How do I sign up for Carina?
To sign up for Carina as a care provider you will need a current provider number and your email address.
Join Carina for free at Carina.org.
Need additional support? Watch the video tutorial below. You can also call 1-855-796-0605 or fill out the support form at carina.org/contactus.
Why aren't there any job posts in my area?
Carina is a new online tool from Carewell SEIU 503, and it will take some time before job posts are available statewide.
Check your account often as Carina updates with new verified consumers.
How does a consumer sign up on Carina?
To sign up for Carina as a Medicaid or Oregon Project Independence (OPI) in-home care consumer, you will need to enter a current consumer verification code.
Codes and instructions for sign-up will be provided to you by your case manager or the Oregon Home Care Commission (OHCC).
Because Carina is new to Oregon, case managers in select counties may not be able to share codes yet.
Already have a consumer verification code? Consumers can sign up at carina.org/homecare/medicaid/oregon.
Questions? Contact your case manager or call Carewell SEIU 503 at 1-844-503-7348.
Can you use Carina in languages other than English?
Currently, the Carina online care matching tool is available in English and Spanish. Carewell SEIU 503 is working with Carina to include other languages.
Am I required to use Carina?
No, using Carina to find work is voluntary.
I am currently on the Registry managed by the Oregon Home Care Commission (OHCC). Will my registration automatically carry over to Carina, or will I need to re-register?
Yes, even if you are on the OHCC Registry, you will need to register on Carina if you wish to join.
How did Carewell SEIU 503 select Carina?
In the 2019 collective bargaining agreement, the Oregon Home Care Commission and SEIU Local 503 agreed that it was a priority to implement an updated consumer and provider registry in partnership with Carewell SEIU 503. As a result, Carina, a nonprofit with an established care service registry in Washington, was selected by Carewell SEIU 503 to carry out that work.
A Partnership for Better Care